

At MCA, we believe a thorough assessment process is an essential first step to successful treatment and growth.

Specialized assessments at MCA include evaluation of

  • Executive Function
  • ADHD
  • Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, OCD and related disorders
  • Mood instability
  • Trauma

Developing and implementing effective mental health treatment begins with establishing an accurate understanding of the presenting problem. However, in mental health, accurately identifying the cause of symptoms we see poses unique challenges. Unlike other forms of medicine, we do not have routine scans, blood tests or other biological markers to confirm diagnosis and inform treatment plans. Instead, providers rely upon combinations of evidenced based systems and skills that despite best practice, create margins of error.

Definitive diagnosis in mental health is also challenged by cultural norms that cause people to confuse differences that exist amongst us with symptoms of disorder. Diversity in personality, temperament, neurological development, cognitive development, intelligence, attention, behavior and emotional sensitivity are often misinterpreted as problems with mood, learning and behavior. Overtime, these misperceptions interfere with managing differences effectively and cause other problems that undermine health and success.

At MCA, we take pride in providing every new client with a thorough assessment process that combines evidenced based measures and a collaborative team of trained professionals. Our approach increases our ability to provide effective treatment and goal directed support.

Our assessment and evaluation services are also available to clients independent of treatment and to enhance self-awareness, form diagnostic impressions, provide treatment recommendations, and establish educational and vocational planning and support.