
Individual Therapy

Our individual therapy services involve several forms of evidenced based psychotherapy. Initial conversation with our team will help you determine which form of psychotherapy is best suited to address your specific concerns and objectives.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a traditional form of talk therapy that helps clients develop in depth awareness and understanding of past influences on present behaviors. Interpretations of patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviors help clients develop insight and change.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

CBT helps people recognize and change patterns of automatic negative thoughts and core beliefs that create problem emotions and behaviors. Behavior strategies help clients practice new ways of interpreting their experience and responding effectively.

Art Therapy

Art therapy uses creative expression to help people explore emotions, develop self-awareness, manage stress, improve relationships and attain mental health and well-being. Art therapy is a very powerful way to connect to one’s own experience and with others.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy is proven to help people change the way memories are stored in the brain to reduce the problems past experiences have on present behavior. Eye movement and other behaviors that activate brain activity are used to help clients reduce automatic patterns of negative feelings and fears and the disruptions they create in present day experiences. EMDR is particularly helpful in the treatment of acute or complex trauma.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy integrates principles of CBT with techniques that help people enhance mindfulness, emotion regulation and acceptance. Individual and Group DBT help clients recognize problematic patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviors and learn evidenced based skills to change them. DBT is a highly effective psychotherapy for people who experience severe mood instability and related relationship and behavior problems.


Exposure and Response Prevention is a highly effective treatment for OCD and other anxiety based disorders. EXRP helps clients identify fear-based patterns of thoughts and behaviors and change them. Exposure techniques help clients progressively experience and tolerate triggers of anxiety and decrease compulsive responses used to reduce anxiety that interfere with effective behavior. Changing the patterns of behavior help clients reduce overall anxiety in sustainable ways.

Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness practice in psychotherapy involves developing skills that enhance awareness of the present moment and using these skills to improve focused attention, emotion regulation, stress management and overall well-being. MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is an eight-week structured program that uses intensive mindfulness practice to reduce stress, depression, anxiety and pain.

Polyvagal Therapy

Polyvagal therapy involves using theory and technique to identify and change patterns of nervous system activity that interfere with emotion regulation and social connection. Therapists help clients increase somatic awareness and use it to regulate neurological activation to stabilize mood and increase healthy behaviors.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor psychotherapy combines somatic (body), emotional and cognitive (thought) processing techniques to address problematic physical and behavior patterns resulting from trauma and other developmental disturbance. SP enables clients to discover and change habitual physical and psychological patterns that impede optimal functioning and well-being. SP is helpful in working with dysregulated activation and other effects of trauma.

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